September 30 to December 03, 2013
Blair McLean
Art in the Office
Department of Canadian Heritage | Ministère du Patrimoine canadien
#400, 150 John Street, Toronto

The Green Roof Series was inspired by the concept of creating new parkland to compensate for the land we have used. Essentially green roof parks that help to create a sense of community in an otherwise wasted space.
My pyrographic artwork is inspired by my love of architecture and our Canadian landscape. Often the titles of my works reflect my opinions on saving our landscape, using it wisely, and saving it for future generations.
The Wind Turbine Series was inspired by my concept of living in a futuristic wind turbine home. The home would always have a changing view and it would power itself. I imagine a day when we can have wind turbine suburbs and the land would still remain farmable.
– Blair McLean, artist
Beyond his distinct and impeccable technique, what struck me most about Blair’s work, particularly the Wind Turbine andGreen Roof Series, is that it imagines what a more sustainable future could look like. Blair’s work simultaneously records human preoccupations of comfort and materialism versus sustainability and survival, as they play out in many parts of the world today, while offering a vision of how we could be living on this planet tomorrow, which is nothing short of inspirational.
– Alice Dixon, curator
Artist Biography
I am a self-taught artist living in Toronto for the past 18 years. Although I am known for being a body modification and branding artist, eight years ago I developed a new technique of wood burning that is different than what most people have seen from earlier forms of pyrography. Since that time I have chosen to focus primarily on this new art form.
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